I am a nutritionist

I am a certified nutritionist, focused on helping people finding their balance - optimum weight, optimum health. I truly believe that our body has the ability to balance itself with the right guidance. Simplicity is the key, by eating normal, real food in a varied diet and not a restrictive one. Nutrition it is easy and I am here to guide you through the process. Your life will change, you will not only lose weight, but you will also add quality to your life. .

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

First Dieting Tip
Did you know...

Dieting slows down our metabolism. That means our body is on saving mode. Is trying to consume less energy, even for the physiological activities (breathing, circulation, digestion). This is the reason you feel lethargic, not wanting to get out of bed.

Second Dieting Tip
Did you know...

Every time we diet, our body produces cortisol, a stress hormone that impacts our long term health and also… you guessed: high rapid weight gain.

Third Dieting Tip
Did you know...

Dieting makes your body craving more. This is because your brain’s primary use are carbohydrates – easy to digest, fast energy. This is the reason you want to eat sweets when you are hungry. The body wants you to survive and asks for the fastest method. So next time when the advertising is kicking in: ``You are not you when you are hungry!`` Grab some food!

Professional skills

I've learned the best techniques to improve your health,
Phisical condition and, wellbeing.

  • Great and passionate instructor

    I have the ability to explain complex things simply, because health is a top priority and life is complicated enough.

  • Active listener

    I have the ability to explain complex things simply, because health is a top priority and life is complicated enough.

  • Keen interest in the impact of diet on health

    Using your favorite foods, I will create a diet that brings your body to the optimal weight, without restrictions that can harm your health.

  • Personalized approach

    We are all different, studies have demonstrated that a personalised approach works better than the ‘’one size fits all’’.

  • Knowledge of different types of diet

    I have experience with different types of healthy lifestyles such as: pesco-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, so I can instruct you if you have allergies or you want to follow such a diet.

  • Great cooking skills

    A food does not have to be only healthy, but also tasty. I will show you how you can cook the healthy version of your favorite comfort foods.

Let's talk

I’d love to chat about your health!